After learning this you will be able to find square of a number ending with 5 say 25, 35, 45 etc. You can even try to find square of a three digit number ending with 5 say 105, 115, 125 etc.
Say you want to find square of 85
Do the following:
· Multiply 5 by 5 and put 25 as your right part of the answer.
· Multiply 8 by the next higher digit i.e 9 and put 72 as your left part of the answer.
· Your answer is 7225
You can use this formula to find square of any number ending with 5.
More details can be found at Magical Methods
Say you want to find square of 85
Do the following:
· Multiply 5 by 5 and put 25 as your right part of the answer.
· Multiply 8 by the next higher digit i.e 9 and put 72 as your left part of the answer.
· Your answer is 7225
You can use this formula to find square of any number ending with 5.
More details can be found at Magical Methods